How to Learn Psychic Healing

How to Learn Psychic Healing

Psychic healing is a fascinating concept that is old and yet new again. It has been around for years and yet is making a comeback with scientific studies backing its validity. Several hospitals throughout the United States provide forms of psychic healing alternatives.


Decide the type of psychic healing that you want to do. In order to learn psychic healing you must choose from several different types. You can learn to heal using auras, the healing touch or Reiki. Prayer is also considered a form of psychic healing.


Find that reading auras can be made easy if you learn to read your own aura. Start in a dark room and hold your palms a half foot from your face. Focus on them as you move them around. Move them close to your arm and if you see a change or energy, this is your aura. Look for the colors that surround people and understand their personality is the outer layer and seldom changes.


Try the healing touch. Clear and protect your energy field in your mind by wiping it clean and adding a white protective light around you. Ask the person that needs the healing to stand in front of you and extend your hands, palms facing the body of the person. Begin 5 inches above the head and move down slowly. If you feel large energy bursts, cold spots, heat or other phenomena, your job is to interpret the information and move the energy around so the client is in balance.


Use Reiki. You will need to learn the six hand positions and the centers of energy, practice Reiki and learn psychic healing. The hands are placed on the body in one of the different positions to transfer and unblock energy.


Bow your head and pray. There are blind studies done with patients miles from the prayers. Two patients with similar medical conditions are compared. One has their picture shown to the people praying for him. The other has no one praying for him. The patient prayed for healed faster.

Tips & Warnings

Physical problems can be detected by the middle layer based on the colors. The link in the resource area will explain what each color means. The inner layer is what is happening to the person today.

How to Learn More about Herbal Healing

How to Learn More about Herbal Healing

Interest in herbs and herbal healing are at an all time high. While there are numerous books and magazines devoted to herbal health, most people turn to the Internet for the information they are looking for.

Unfortunately, the Internet has a lot of conflicting information and sometimes it is hard to discover which data is accurate. One rule of thumb is to look for three or more Internet sites that confirm the same information. Better yet, would be to combine Internet and published books for research.

Things You'll Need:

One good herb book

One good herbal health book

Internet access


Purchase several good herbal books. Look for those that are written by a 'real' doctor.


Type the name of the affliction, along with the word herbal into an Internet search engine.


Read at least the top five response pages to your search.


Consult the printed herbals for verification of the information you have found online.


Do a search on the herbs the Internet sites and books have recommended. Look carefully at side effects and possible interactions with prescription or over the counter drugs.


Take only the recommended amount of the herbal remedy if you choose to attempt herbal healing.


Allow time for the herbs to work. Unlike pharmaceuticals, herbal remedies take time to show results.

Tips & Warnings

There are numerous software programs available for matching herbal remedies with various illnesses.

Classes are available for herbal healing and health online. Several offer correspondence courses while others require residency.

Before using any herbal remedy, talk to your health professional as many herbs react negatively to prescription drugs.

How to Learn Massage Therapy Online

How to Learn Massage Therapy Online

Alternative health practices such as massage therapy are gaining popularity. It's a great skill to learn and gain experience in, so that in the future, perhaps you can open your own spa or salon. However, you need the proper training. Read on to learn how to learn massage therapy online.


Talk to reputable salon/spa in your area. Ask the owners where the therapists were trained and if they can refer you to an online school if they know any. Even if they don't, it's a good thing to interact with professionals in the field before you enter the industry. At least you will have an idea of what kinds of courses or schools to look for while you are on the hunt for online schools.


Read up on the topic. There are so many areas out there that encompasses massage therapy that you have to start thinking about a specialty. Also, for an introduction, read up on reflexology, holistic approach and introduction to massages. With this advance reading, you will feel more confident on the first course because you have an overview of the practice.


Research massage school online. There are websites that lists schools in your area, and some programs have distance learning here it's part-time school, part-time online, while some schools have a completely online courses. Pick which ones have programs that are appealing to you and those that suit your needs, whether in terms of location or time commitment.


Talk to fellow classmates and see how they are progressing in the courses. Contact the spas or salons in your area that you have an interest in and ask if you can do an internship or shadow a massage therapist so that you will gain real world experience. With this constant contact, you might be able to land a job with them after you complete your courses and training online.

How to Learn Acupuncture Cupping

How to Learn Acupuncture Cupping

Acupuncture cupping is an acupuncture technique used to stimulate the acupuncture points. It involves a metal, wood or glass jar, which is used as a suction cup on the skin. Basically, the suction causes blood to rush to the site, therefore stimulating the area. This technique is often used to relieve pain and is said to flush out toxins in the lymphatic system. The following steps describe acupuncture cupping, but remember that you must have your license to use this technique.

Things You'll Need:

Glass jars

Burning taper

Cotton balls

Rubbing alcohol


Purchase an acupuncture cupping kit. This includes glass jars (more commonly used) and, depending on which method you use, a burning taper, a vacuum pump or needles. Also purchase alcohol and cotton balls for disinfecting the skin before and after treatment.


Familiarize yourself with fire cupping, air cupping and wet cupping. For fire cupping, a burning taper provides a flame, which is inserted into the glass for a short time to warm it. Since the oxygen has escaped, a vacuum is created within the glass. At this point the glass can be placed onto the skin. For air cupping, a vacuum pump or flexible suction cup is attached to the glass jar to draw out the air. Once the air is removed, the jar can be placed on the skin. For wet cupping, the skin is pricked by a needle and the jar draws out a small amount of blood. Wet cupping helps to draw out toxins.


Apply glass jars to acupuncture points and/or areas of pain on the body.


Leave the glass jars on the skin for no longer than 10 to 15 minutes.


Know the limitations and dangers of acupuncture cupping. Cupping can cause swelling or bruising, so this may deter some individuals. A pregnant woman cannot have cupping on her stomach or lower back. In addition, it should not be used on rashes or individuals who bleed easily or who have a fever.

Tips & Warnings

Enroll in a school that specializes in acupuncture to obtain your license. You can continue working your current full-time job and begin part-time courses to obtain your acupuncture license.

Do not practice any form of acupuncture without a license.

How to Know the Right Vitamins to Help Your Arthritis

How to Know the Right Vitamins to Help Your Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis people have shown as having a deficiency in vitamin B-6, copper, folate, magnesium, and zinc. Talk to your doctor about taking supplemental vitamins, and vitamins to ease the pain and ache.

These are some suggested vitamins, but before taking them or buying them, consult your doctor first, since each one of us is different from another.

Things You'll Need:


Car to drive to store



Vitamin A, and beta carotene--Supplies a dose of antioxidant. Vitamin A helps bones development, vision, which protect against infections in the respiratory, digestive, and urine tract.


Vitamin B complex--Helps in cell production, important for nerve system, and helps heart health.

Vitamin B complex also assists with muscles, bones, joints, and skin tissues.


Vitamin C--Helps maintaining healthy immune system, neutralizing pollutants, and increases absorption of nutrients.


Vitamin D and calcium--Prevent diseases such as typ 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, breast cancer, colon cancer, and ovarian cancer.


Vitamin E--Prevents the breakdown of body tissues, and helps with immune system.


Vitamin K--Prevents osteoporosis, which is the disease that weakens the bones. It can also aid with problems with hemorrhagic disease.


Zinc--Helps maintaining the senses of smell and taste. Zinc assists in anti-inflammatory, and builds a healthy immune system.

Tips & Warnings

If you have chronic illness, exercise regularly

How to Know the Benefit of a Head Massage

How to Know the Benefit of a Head Massage

The head massage has been used as a tool to improve health for many years. The earliest mention of head massage as we know it occurred almost 4,000 years ago in some Ayurvedic texts. Today, many claim that head massages can strengthen immune systems, reduce stress and make people healthier in a number of ways.


Improve healing time after injuries or surgery with a head massage. A licensed massage therapist can help to reduce pain in the head and neck area and release toxins that might be impeding healing.


Decrease muscle tension and relieve stress with a head massage. When we are under stress, the muscles in the area around our head, neck and shoulders often become stiff. Head massages can loosen these muscles and relieve stress. Head massages also lower anxiety and decrease respiratory rate.


Boost your immune system with a head massage. Head massages increase white blood cell count and boost natural killer cell activity.


Increase your productivity with a head massage. A study of office workers who got regular head massages showed that they were more alert, performed better and were less stressed than their coworkers who didn't get head massages.


Nourish your hair follicles with a head massage. The condition of your scalp will improve, giving you healthier hair. Some massage therapists use oils or scalp conditioners when doing a head massage, but even a dry massage will give you a healthier scalp.

How to Know if a Product is Toxic

How to Know if a Product is Toxic

Many people are becoming aware of the toxicity of daily products like household cleaners, cosmetics, detergents and lawn chemicals. People are asking what they can do to live greener and which products aren't toxic. There are a few simple methods for assessing toxicity that everyone should know about.

Things You'll Need:



Read the Label. Products are required by law to list their health hazards, but people often don't read, or don't understand them. Now, you will know how to be an informed consumer.


Understand the Warning Label:

DANGER or POISON: These products are the most toxic. Often, they will indicate they are fatal if swallowed. These products often include anti-freeze, cleaning products and insecticides.

WARNING: These products can also be fatal, but are not as toxic as the previous category. You should seek medical attention if these products are used improperly.

CAUTION: These products are general not fatal if swallowed or inhaled, but in high doses are toxic and may warrant a trip to the doctor.

NONE: If there are no caution or warning labels, the product is non-toxic. Make a habit of looking. You will be surprised how many times a day you are exposed to toxic, deadly, cancer causing, polluting, or asthma causing products.


Get to know the EWG:
The Environmental Work Group (EWG) is a non-profit organization in Washington D.C. They have supported innovated studies to learn about the effects of toxic products on the land and public health. The EWG is a wealth of statistical data that everyone needs to make informed choices. Their link is at the bottom of this article. A few of their most common studies include: Pollution in People, The Shopper's Guide to Produce, Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Database, and the Tuna Calculator: How Much is Safe?